Friday, March 19, 2010

Well a few thoughts on Regina in general. J.Eberle is untouchable here, almost to the extreme, though the Pats are a mismanaged club with the same owners and gm for the last 15 years and nothing much to show for their time in charge. The natives are restless here and hate snow because it is white and on their property, people smoke( seems cancer education isn't working) way more than back in BC and obesity is rampant with many fast food outlets and therefore bad diets. It seems more like an american city in some regards, all kids either play hockey or football or both and a good thing is that people in Sask are sports fanatics. Football is without a doubt number one in Regina though and even in the off season many people don't wear anything but rider green, the question is do they wash it or have an entire closet for of green rider gear..Scenery wise, it doesn't compare with White Rock but thats a tough comparison for most places...big game in White city tomorrow vs Balgonie...

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